Personal consultation for you is provided after filling out the questionnaire on the links below. Just choose your best variant!
Depending on the format we choose, our online meeting lasts from 15 to 90 minutes, during which I deeply dive into the unique situation of the person, ask many specific questions and form an individual nutritional approach to lifestyle and health, considering also other points such as sleep, physical activity, stress levels, symptoms, etc. taking into account exactly your goals, wishes and lifestyle. Normally I provide consulting in the form of an audio call in messenger like WhatsApp, Telegram or Skype. Zoom calling is also possible like an option.
An express consultation of 15 minutes takes place after the initial consultation on an urgent need.
Secondary consultations are provided as needed, 3-6 weeks after the initial consultation. It depends on your needs.
Also the format of individual accompaniment with the help of a specialist in drawing up a menu for at least 2 weeks according to my recommendations after the initial consultation is possible:
– Development of an individual menu, taking into account wishes and dietary restrictions for 2 weeks
– tips for choosing products in your local region
– smart tips on how to read labels
– Correction of menus and recommended foods as necessary
– answers to questions about food choices in stores and restaurants
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